學校類別 : 資助中學 就讀學生性別:女 宗 教:天主教 辦學團體: 電話 | Tel: 23275860 電郵 | Email: |
聖母書院為一所天主教女校,由母佑會(慈幼女修會)於 1953 年創辦,修會的教育網絡遍及全球90多個國家,以天主教教育、慈幼教育法﹙理智、宗教、仁愛﹚培育學生靈性、品德、學業及社群等均衡發展。
School Mission & Vision
The School was founded by the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (Salesian Sisters) in 1953. We educate students according to the Catholic Core Values, Salesian Education (Reason, Religion, Loving-kindness) to nurture their integral development of the spiritual, moral, intellectual and social aspects.
國際視野 英語為本
- 良好英語學習氛圍,提升英語能力
- 樂於閱讀,智慧伴隨
- 重視探究精神、創意及思維訓練
Developing Global Learners
- Sustain an English rich learning environment to strengthen students’ language proficiency
- Promote the joy of reading to enrich students’ knowledge and develop their self-learning abilities
- Cultivate students’ spirit of intellectual exploration, develop their creative and critical thinking skills
多元支援 激發潛能
- 按學生不同能力,提供適切學習支援
- 推動STEAM教育,迎接數碼世界
- 資優教育,追求卓越
Bringing Out Potentials with Diversified Support Measures
- Learning and language support to cater for students’ diversity
- STEAM education to prepare students to excel in our world of Digital
- Gifted education to unleash students’ talent and potential
走入社群 培訓領袖
- 全方位學習,擴闊視野,體驗學習之樂
- 領袖培訓計劃,以學生為主導
Reaching Out to a Wider Community to be the Future Leaders
- A great variety of life-wide learning opportunities to expand students’ knowledge beyond classrooms, broaden their horizons and experience the joy of learning
- Student leadership programme & student-led activities
關愛校園 陪伴成長
- 培養良好品德及靈性
- 活現家庭精神,以善牧之心關懷學生 ,校友聯繫緊密
Growing Under a Loving and Caring School Environment
- Strengthen students’ character and spiritual formation
- Live out Salesian family spirit, render pastoral care in the school community, build a strong sisterhood bond and expand a family bond through generations