學校類別 : 資助中學 就讀學生性別:男女 宗 教:佛教 辦學團體:志蓮淨苑 電話 | Tel: 23218511 電郵 | Email: |
We have all along been promoting the same school mission – specializing in students with special educational needs and helping them explore multiple pathways.
We adopt different teaching materials and assessments in each level to cater for learning diversities of our students.
We have set up the Student Learning Support Division which offers our students a diverse range of learning and growth support, after-school classes and counselling services.
We have established Life Planning and Pre-vocational Training lessons for allowing students to know more about themselves at the earliest possible time to better plan for their future.
We help students acquire recognized qualifications:
- implement both Level 1 and Level 2 Qualification Framework programmes in Catering Services and Design and Applied Technology within regular school hours;
- prepare students to take the Vocational English Programmes and Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) examination after class.