學校類別 : 資助中學 就讀學生性別:男女 宗 教:基督教 辦學團體: 電話 | Tel: 23381971 電郵 | Email: |
We foster students’ whole-person development and ensure the development of their full potential. In addition to cultivating the five aspects of development, we also emphasize the traits of commitment, aspiration, self-discipline, perseverance and positiveness.
Our curriculum design caters for learners’ diversity and deliberates their multiple intelligences. We have established a Talent Databank and provide a platform for students to give full play to their strengths in unleashing their potentials.
Our school has been awarded “Caring School Award Scheme” for ten consecutive years. We provide exclusive support in career planning goals for newly arrived children and those with special educational needs (SEN) and relatively lower socio-economic status.
校舍設備完善,藉專室如Cafe Alpha、Studio及化妝室、KOL專室、餐廳、Maker Space、宗教資源中心及靈修室等推動情境教學和STEM,營造宗教的氛圍
To facilitate students’ learning under a supportive environment, we have a spectrum of function rooms like Cafe Alpha, Rotary Studio with Dressing Room, KOL Station, Rotary Restaurant, Makerspace, Religious Resource Centre and Devotion Room.
Enhancing home-school communication, parents can understand the needs of their children and arouse the interest in their children’s development. We also provide diverse support, grants and scholarships to encourage students. The Rotary Club of Kowloon West has been supporting the development of the school since our establishment.