學校類別 : 資助中學 就讀學生性別:男女 宗 教:基督教 辦學團體: 電話 | Tel: 23204557 電郵 | Email: |
Annual School Theme: “Diligence: The Road To Knowledge; Civility: The Key To Growth“
Our school strives to improve students’ biliterate and trilingual abilities, adapts the curriculum at all forms according to the needs of students, and implements “differentiated teaching” strategies to cater for students with different abilities and learning styles.
Our six-year Career and Life Planning programmes help students explore themselves and develop the career paths that best suit them.
Our school adopts the whole school approach to implement inclusive education and has established Student Support Team to assist students with special educational needs.
Our school implements various award schemes to reward students with outstanding performance in different aspects.