學校類別 : 資助中學 就讀學生性別:男女 宗 教:基督教 辦學團體: 電話 | Tel: 23234265 電郵 | Email: |
Our school adopts English as the medium of instruction in most of the subjects. To enhance students’ bi-literate and tri-lingual ability, students are encouraged to speak in both Putonghua and English when making announcements or doing promotions at school.
We always encourage all subjects to update their curricula frequently so as to meet current needs. At the same time, our teaching staff’s professionalism is enhanced as well. Besides, we put much stress on bridging between the junior and senior curricula. Junior form subject extension classes and S.3 Taster Programme are implemented to help our students explore their strengths and interest in learning.
Support Measures for Academically Gifted/under-privileged Students: Remedial classes and enhancement learning groups for Chinese language, English language and Mathematics are offered. To help students gain good results, we run tutorial and enhancement classes after school, and carry out a “Subject-based Project A Scheme”.
Our school aims to provide whole-person development for our students. Students are anticipated to develop their potential and even leadership not only in academic domains but also in non-academic domains. We have a Life Education Committee to help students deal with their emotional, communication and family problems when they grow up. A tailored syllabus and different teaching strategies are provided for diverse learning needs. We help students to find their motivation to learn, build up their self-image, and be positive about life. We make full use of all available resources to provide an all-around education and indicate ways to learn so that students can maintain life-wide learning.
Our school offers a wide variety of extra-curricular activities, such as the student association and 4 school houses. We offer more than 50 different societies, interest groups, uniform groups, social service groups and sports activities to develop students’ potential and interests. Apart from the activities organized by the school, students are encouraged to participate in more joint-school activities and international assessments (competitions) to broaden their horizons and build their confidence. Over the years, our students have had a remarkable performance in various joint-school competitions. Besides, a Life-wide Learning day is organized in every school term to let students extend learning beyond classrooms.
本校為「知識型學習組織」,因應學校發展方向及教師專業發展的需要,舉辦多項切合校本需要的講座、工作坊及培訓課程。本校推行「課堂研習」及「教師學習社群」多年,鼓勵教師分享專業知識及實踐經驗,積極推動校本專業發展及分享交流文化,提升教學效能。本校為首間學校連續三屆榮獲「香港最受推崇知識型機構大獎」2013、2014 及2015,藉以表揚本校在知識管理推行方面的努力。
Our school is a knowledge-based organization. Our school offers multiple approaches, such as talks, workshops and training courses, for teachers to acquire knowledge and skills to better serve our students. We are the first school awarded as one of the top three winners of the Hong Kong Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE) Award in 2013, 2014 and 2015. Such an award demonstrated the effort of our school in KM implementation.
We strive for a simple school life with harmonious relationships between teachers and students. Students are provided with religious education and activities to learn about Christianity and its values. Taking teachers as their models, students learn how to respect, reflect upon and appreciate their lives. This positive attitude towards life helps create a harmonious school and community.
The Parents-Teachers’ Association plays a crucial role in acting as a liaison between parents and the school. To support moral and life education, many parents volunteer to assist with the junior forms’ service education.